The ‘Staley Cup’ award is selected by Operational Management to recognize the employee that best performed under the SSS model in the previous 90 days.
Liz just surpassed her third year with Shannon Staley & Sons and is the epitome of growth when it comes to showcasing her talents and skillset in the field. We have positioned Liz in multiple different job sites for her to come out shining like the ultimate Queen of Construction. To say that Liz has showcased her positive attitude and willingness to grow is an understatement. Liz has such a natural desire to learn as much as she possibly can each and every day, whether it’s in the field or in the office assisting with management. Fun fact: Liz has a natural talent behind the camera and she is responsible for so many wonderful ‘before and after’ photos from our renovations at SSS. We absolutely love how Liz handles her day to day in so many different levels of skillsets! Another fun fact: Liz can solve a Rubik’s Cube in under a minute!
Hometown: Jamestown, North Carolina
Main Trade: The great thing about working for SSS is that I get to learn as much as I want and dabble in a little bit of everything. I don’t necessarily have a “main” trade, but my two favorites are tile and painting.
Hobbies: Backpacking, playing video games and crafting jewelry
Favorite Restaurant: Anywhere that serves up a good, juicy steak!
Best part about working for SSS: The people. I’m surrounded by coworkers who are willing to teach me new tricks and I get nothing but support from every level of management. I’ve worked a lot of jobs in a bunch of different fields but I’ve never worked for a company that genuinely cares for both their clients and employees alike. It’s truly refreshing.
Congratulations Liz and keep up the great work!